Well hello there, long time no blog. And i have no excuse for being lazy with my blog either, it's not like i've been busy with life or anything, i just didn't have the motivation or inspiration to write. BUT, i'm back, with another review, this time for an absolute miracle of a facial moisturiser. It's by Biore, a company that i really don't know much about to be honest. The first time i tried this product was wayyyy back in my university days, and i could be right in thinking that my flatmate introduced me to this as i was looking for a nice facial moisturiser. And since then, i've had somewhat of a love affair with it. It is, hands down, the best i've tried. It smells faintly of watermelon, a very light, fresh, clean scent, with a subtle fruity undertone. Now, i have slightly oily/combination skin... and this is a god send for sorting my skin out and leaving it baby smooth. It's consistency can seem a little watery at first, but massage it into your face and let it sink in, and it somehow gets rid of any oil on your face while at the same time leaving it so incredibly soft that sometimes i really can't stop touching my own face... :/
It really is lovely, but somewhere i've read that it is either being discontinued, or already is, which makes me very sad in my heart. I don't currently have the full size version either, i'm actually using a sample size tube, which seems to be never ending, but it will soon, and if i can't find somewhere that stocks this... i shall cry. I'm not sure on the price either, but i have a vague recollection that it's around the 4 or 5 pound mark. It is definitely an outstanding 10/10 for me, and i'll search high and low for another bottle once this sample tube is up...
Thanks for reading xxx