Yo yo yo, here again. This time i'm looking at Barry M, and the awesomeness that is their nail paints. I 100% LOVE these... every single one of them. They're completly cheap, and are brilliant quality. The three in the picture above are baby pink, mint green and pure turquoise. I'm currently wearing the baby pink, and i love it!! I want more of these, because they're such good value for money and work so well. Some appear a bit streaky on first coating, but after the second coat you're good to go!
These ones include Raspberry, Bright Purple, Coral and Pink Flamingo, and i HEART these all. I've worn Pink Flamingo the most out of these as it's soooo pretty, i seriously suggest you try this one out, its GORGEOUS!
And this set includes Red Black, Vivid Purple, Black, Navy Blue and the 3 in 1 clear varnish. I have had a couple of the blacks, because i've found this black works for me best, out of ANY brand i've tried. For a good few years now i've worn the vivid purple on my toes, and LOVE it. I've tried other colours on the toes, and every other colour just seems odd, so i go back to Barry M Vivid Purple every time. I completly support this brand, i think it's such good value and the quality is great. If you've never tried Barry M, or live abroad so don't have access, i highly suggest you do try some. I also love their lip gloss wands, and will be doing a review on these too soon. A well deserved 10/10 for these :D PLEASE, go try some of these! NOW! xxx
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