Another day, another review it seems. So here were are, with a relatively cheap brand from boots '17'. I've always disregarded this brand, and i don't know why. I suppose there hasn't really been any sort of brand advertising, or knowledge. And you never really hear people talk about 17... But it's there, and i think i should give it more attention. As i say, the products are cheap, not as cheap as natural collection mind, but cheap all the same. I discovered this new 'candy collection' from another blogger called 'DOLLYUPRETTY', who is a really lovely down to earth girl (go check her out). So, when i was in Boots the other day i checked these new nail polishes out, and i was nicely surprised. You've got a few to choose from - orange soda, baby pink, sherbet lemon, mint choc chip, and parma violet. As you can see from the photo, i chose the yellow, green (although to me it looks blue) and purple. They're such lovely creamy candy shades, and perfect for spring/summer nails. Now, i normally go for black, or dark purple, or pink nails, that's just my style. But im happy with the change, and it's nice to look down and see something a bit different :) They're priced at £2.99, which is good, and the quality is good too. The first coat can be a bit streaky, but you get that with most nail polishes, after the second you get a lovely opaque cream colour, in my case, i chose to use the yellow first, as i don't think i've ever used a yellow before, which seems odd, but anywho...
So here's how it turned out, and i think it's lovely. I know there are a couple of other products in this particular 'candy collection', such as eyeshadows and lip products, but i was mainly interested in these. So if these look like something you could love too, go check them out! PS - sorry for the poor photo quality in the first pic, my camera is pap!! :P xxx
cute! i really like that color! i will try it during the springtime